Crafting Purpose
Why you should make your purpose real to your brand… and your audience
We all know that purpose is intrinsically connected to your vision and goals. But you may not be clear on what the reason for having a core purpose in your business actually is.
Your core purpose is your ‘why’. Are you clear on what your ‘why’ is? Your why may be defined by trying to understand what drives your business.
Do you have a cause-based purpose?
Your purpose is clearly defined by the fight for a good cause, with messaging centred on your aspirations for achieving social justice.
Is it a competence-based purpose?
Speaking to the value proposition of the brand - what you offer and what function your product serves.
Is it a culture-based purpose?
Evidence of your company culture - who you are, how you intentionally run your business, and what you strive to be.
The ideal scenario would be for your purpose-driven company to effectively solve social and environmental problems while also generating wealth. But the reality is that when things get hard, many purpose-driven companies either revert to a profit-first strategy or doggedly pursue purpose at the expense of business stability. What you should be thinking about is your audience and stakeholders and what you deliver to them.
Agility vs. Purpose
The ability to pivot with the punches sets brands apart. But if you continuously pivot away from your purpose and are solely reactive to the trends and the times, you risk losing your focus - and your customers. Your ability for agility needs to align with your purpose - it can be defined by sticking true to what you value and what ultimately drives you.
A Brand Vision and DNA Workshop can create direction and alignment for your business and is the essential starting point before any shift in business strategy.
The main purpose of a Brand DNA Workshop is to clarify your purpose, values, ideology and goals - giving direction to your strategy. The journey to meaningful growth begins by solidifying your core and uncovering who you are.